Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Wheels On The Bus

What was once just a fun toddler song is now a reality in the Seilback house. Today, Maia climbed aboard a BIG yellow school bus for the very first time. She actually starts Kindergarden on August 16th, but today was a "practice bus run" for the Kindergardeners. I'm so grateful that her little friend "J" who lives just a few doors down is also riding the bus and is in the very same class as Maia, so they took this maiden voyage together. While waiting at the stop, Maia said to "J", "let's sit together on the bus," and then when the bus pulled up, it appeared like Maia had a death grip on "J's" wrist and was not about to let go. The ride got great reviews from Maia and the driver "Miss Kathy" was so welcoming that this Mom is feeling a little more at ease about sending her daughter off each morning.

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