Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Day

Just wanted to share some pictures from Maia's first Day of Kindergarten! She really was excited but we could tell she also was a bit nervous. The parents were invited to come to the kids' classrooms after the morning meeting in the gym to observe for a few minutes. Maia's review of the first day was not as positive as I had expected. She said, "it was just too much. . .I didn't know what to do. . .I didn't know where to go." Things really were organized, but it is simply a whole new experience for Maia and I guess I forgot just how overwhelming it could be for the first couple days. She is going just 1/2 days, so when I picked her up I had my camera ready to take a little video with her telling us about her day, but um, I didn't even get the camera out because she clearly was not in the frame of mind for an "interview." We talked about her day off and on throughout the remainder of the afternoon and evening and it became evident that she was simply feeling overwhelmed by everything. By the time I tucked her in for bed, she seemed more encouraged and said, "tomorrow will be a better day Mommy." My heart could have melted when she said that. Anyway, we are really excited for Maia to be part of this school and their philosophy of learning. She will get to help take care of the school chickens, work in the school garden, and do art in their awesome art room. Oh and did I mention that the school provides a free breakfast for each child who wants it every morning in the classroom. Free. . .for every child. This amazed me. I'm sure there will be more school posts to come in the future, but for now, here are Day 1's pictures!



Emily M. said...

Congratulations on Maia's first day! I'm sure once she gets used to new routines, it won't be so overwhelming!

Suzanne said...

Yay for Maia! And congratulations to you, mommy, for making it through YOUR first day of your big girl in kindergarten! I'm so excited for you both that Maia gets to go to that school. When my colleagues and I toured there this time last year we were AMAZED. I cannot tell you how jealous (in a healthy way, of course!) I am that your children get to go there!

Annie said...

what school is this Kelli?! I'm definitely intrigued! Sounds awesome! And I'm so glad to hear that she gets to go 1/2 day. That is a great way to transition in to school!
It was great to look through your blog today and get updates on your fam. Can't believe Caden is POTTYTRAINED!!! How can he be that old?!?! :)