Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween '09

So I wasn't sure how Halloween was going to turn out for us this year seeing that the H1N1 virus has decided to set up camp in our home. Maia had symptoms of it 2 weekends ago, but it was mild and short-lived. . .then last weekend I had symptoms that improved after a few days and then started to worsen mid-week, then on Wednesday Caden became pretty sick fairly quickly and he tested + for the H1N1 virus but thanks to Tamiflu his symptoms were improved the next day, not gone but DEFINATLY improved, and that night Matt came down with it and has pretty much been in bed or on the couch since then. I wasn't sure if I'd be up to taking Maia out tonight, so my super-sweet friend Katie offered to be on call to take Maia trick-or treating if I wasn't up to it. Thankfully I felt well enough to venture out with the kids and we had a great time. Our new neighborhood is just an awesome place to trick-or-treat with many neighbors sitting around fire-pits in their front yard as they hand out candy and others giving out hotdogs, chips, and hot cider. The second picture is Maia showing Daddy her loot from the night. It cracks me up that this girl will organize and reorganize her candy MANY times over the next several days. . .did I do that as a kid????


1 comment:

Emily M. said...

Oh dear, hope that everyone is feeling completely better soon!

And yes, I totally sorted out my candy (by color, by chocolate content, etc, etc) for weeks afterwards! I'm glad that Maia is detail-oriented with her treats. =)