Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Milestone

No need to worry about this little firefighter showing up to the next fire in diapers. . .he has ditched the diapers and is most definitly potty trained. Maia basically potty trained herself in less than half a day and since she and Caden have fairly different personalities, I was trying to keep my expectations in check. But he really was a breeze as well thanks to Lightning McQueen underwear and treats like lollipops and marshmallows. We did two mornings of what I call potty-training boot camp which involves pushing fluids and setting up camp on blankets right outside the bathroom door and really not taking my eyes off of him. As soon as I saw any indication that he might need to go, we were on that potty in a flash. I really can't believe this little guy is old enough to be running around in underwear!


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