Thursday, April 19, 2007

3 things to say

As I bent down to wash off Maia’s messy dinner hands and dinner face, she wrapped her arms around me and spoke beautiful words. She spoke them softly and confidently—although not as if they weren’t a sudden epiphany, “wuv wu”. And I nearly lost it… finishing the clean up through fog filled eyes.

…and they all waited for her up on the sidewalk. Kelli unloaded her from the car and sent her up the steps. Then the frenzy began. Her four friends were simply delighted to see her. They all jumped and squealed, running circles around each other. I think child-like faith must look something like that.

As I bowed my head to pray with Maia before dinner last night, I heard a strange sound. Suddenly she was speaking a series of “umms” and “um-hums” as I offered thanks for our meal. Wanting to take part in things, Maia has—apparently—learned what it means to “agree in prayer”.

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