Saturday, February 03, 2007


its at moments like these that i wish i could pull up my childhood, like a file on a computer, and look at the feelings that wonder held.

it was even then that the administrative offices of a mall complex struck me as inhuman, torturous and... boring.


Anonymous said...

hey buddy. Remember me?

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, mall complexes were considered more "human" than the skywalking monoliths that used to punctuate communities with awe and repose. Or, another way of saying that "Everything I need is right here - easy in/out, cash/carry" instead of saying "We need more than 'here'" as a culture.

Anonymous said...

Hey, and explain your store "Forest Road" to me.

Also, I'm ready to throw down with you anytime. Give me a topic, subject and we'll come at it, expressing it different ways and then agree or disagree in a final stage. So, topic, expressions, and comments/reviews.

Matt and Kelli Seilback said...

forest road = the production arm of my film projects

Anonymous said...

How can we learn more about your film projects and their production? Is there a Web address that would link us to the production company itself?