thanks to "mr. anonymous" for the recommendation on the youtube documentary on doug wilson and Christ church. "my town" is the grass roots film that examines the neo-confederate (or paleo-confederate, as wilson would insist) underpinnings of wilson's church, college and publications. i was ignorant to such myself, but the hour long piece proved enlightening. maybe i should do some more reading (in my "free time") before i make any brash assertions, but based on wilson's proclamations alone it seems that he is in grave danger of misrepresenting the gospel to many people in moscow, ID and, furthermore, to the rest of the country.
here's my quick eval., as i see it:
wilson, christ church, etc., in an attempt to "usher in" the new millenium have become myopically focused on issues of state rights and the original intentions of the old covenant to be ruled by a theocracy. Though the new covenant marks the transition of the gospel from its manifestation as a "church-state" nexus to one established in the heavenly realms; it seems that wilson is concerned with ushering in a theocracy in america. furthermore, in an attempt to evaluate the discussions of servitude in the bible, he has said some destructive things about how supposedly "harmonius" slavery in america truly was. instead of becoming winsome to the culture for the sake of the gospel (re: Paul's sermon at the Areopagus in Acts 17) it seems he has wedged an unnecessary, harmful and unbiblical stumbling block into the hearts and minds of many non-believers.
1 comment:
"The Ushers. " That could be what we call the movement. "Ticket, please." Without your stub, you can't enter the kingdom, eh? Not quite as grisly as the OT marks of the covenant, but ironically similar.
Good comments. Really enjoyed your take. Watch the others. I'm interested to read any reviews you might have, there, as well.
Oh! What camera are you using to shoot? Editing software?
Thanks. Good stuff.
I'm going to be starting a blog/page myself, here, soon. I'll keep you posted.
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