Yes, Maia has again had the 24 hour stomach flu, for the SECOND time in two months. For the past 24 hours we have set up camp on the living room floor with blankets, buckets, movies and books. What is up with the stomach flu going around in the summer????? Apparently it is, according to our MD. My hunch is that Maia picked it up at our doctor's office where she accompained me 2 days ago for Caden's 2 month check-up. It is amazing that almost excatly 24 hours after she started feeling yucky in her stomach, it abruptly stopped and she asked for something to eat for the first time in over 24 hours. So she had a yummy dinner of popsicles, toast and crackers. The doctor thinks Maia may just be more prone to the stomach flu as other kids are more prone to colds. . .not an encouraging statement for this Mom who has a fear of the stomach flu that borders on the line of a phobia.
1 comment:
poor Maia...I hate it when the kiddos catch things AT the doctor!
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