After a few days with Kelli's family in PA, we headed to Maryland to spend some time with Matt's family. All of his siblings live close to his parents so we got to see them all on a few occasions during our time there. Thanks everyone for making time for us and we look forward to our next time together.

The Seilback cousins (Jonathon, Victoria, Ethan, Maia and Caden)

A patient Daddy giving his little girl some shooting lessons.

Caden enjoying a toasted marshmallow. He enjoyed all parts of a smore independently but not as a sandwich.

"TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!" The past few days Caden and I have spent a fair amont of time playing Buzz and Woody. Any guesses on who is always Buzz????

We spent part of New Year's Eve around a campfire. Here are Jason, Ethan and Victoria roasting some hotdogs.

Enjoying a campfire with my kids. . .I could have sat there all night.

Maia learning the ropes of Poppi's tractor.

A little boy's dream!

No trip to Gran and Poppi's would be complete without a visit to Annie's playground. Here are two of my monkey's just hanging out.

After spending some time running around and swinging, we played some hide and go seek with the kids on this vast playground.

Matt's parents live close to a beautiful park so one morning we took the kids for a little hike. Caden was happiest on his Daddy's shoulders.

Mommy and her little hiker.

This girl could just hike all day.

Matt and Caden on the trail.

And of course there were some presents at Gran and Poppi's too!