Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
2011 Summer Vacation - Part 2
For the second part of our vacation we headed to the Outer Banks with Matt's family. Lots of pictures because it was too hard to narrow it down to just a few.
This girl could have boogie-boarded all day!
An intense game of Alphabet Go-Fish
The cousins (L - R) Maia, Victoria, Ethan, Caden, and Jonathan
The few who braved the hike up to the top of the lighthouse.
I can't remember what Caden was trying to explain, but it sure looks like it was important.
While the others were at the lighthouse, these two were just the coolest dudes on the pier.
The cousins looking over their prizes after figuring out Poppi's clever riddle.
Examining some beachlife on an early morning walk.
Gran and Maia
Daddy and Maia
I love this action shot.
Kite flying with Daddy
More kite flying
A little run on the beach with Caden.
We just "happened" to be vacationing at the Outer Banks as the same time as some good friends from St. Louis (who have since moved to MD). Maia and Peyton were each others first friends, having met at the age of 1. Peyton's Mom Missy has been such a dear friend of mine, so us Mom's and our girls met up one morning for coffee and donuts. Here are the girls after just seeing each other for the first time in over a year. They truly were speechless.
All the Seilback and McGuire kids. Obviously Caden and Asher would be good buddies if only we lived closer to each other.
Just looking at this picture makes me feel scratchy and claustrophobic!
Our last evening a rain shower passed over and we were treated to a beautiful double rainbow.
And of course our OBX week is always topped off with a visit to the Ruby's in VA Beach. Kelly is my oldest friend in life. We've been friends since the tender age of 3. That is something I do not take for granted because friends like that are rare jewels! Here are all the kids. . .
and the adults!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Six Flags
We braved Six Flags last week for the first time with our kids. Overall, it was a mixed bag of a day. . .some good times and some not so good times. I guess that is to be expected with a 6 and 3 year old on a very hot and crowded day. Here are a few pictures of some of the good times because who needs to be reminded of the meltdowns and whining, right?
103_0888.JPGSaturday, August 06, 2011
Summer 2011 Vacation - Part 1
The kids and I (Kelli) flew home to PA in July to spend a week at my parents. Each morning we started the day with breakfast on their wonderful front porch while watching the array of birds that come to my Mom's bird feeders.
Maia and Caden getting ready to help Nani fill the birdfeeders.
Storytime with Nani, and yes, once again we are on the front porch.
Maia and her baby praying mantis.
Of course every trip to Nani and Pop-Pop's wouldn't be complete without some rides on the 4 wheeler.
Maia and Caden enjoying the tractor and wagon that my brother, sister and I enjoyed as kids.
Enjoying a funnel cake at the Kutztown folk festival.
Yes, that is mule-power! Only in Pennsylvania Dutch country!
4th of July Parade with Nani and Pop-Pop!
Maia and Caden with their boats that Nani and Pop-Pop made for them to race down the stream.
Caden hauling the necessary condiments to the fire ring where we had a little cookout.
Maia hauling some of the other needed things for our cookout.
The kids and I visited my dear friend Lori in Lancaster. Our two oldest were born 2 days apart and we even overlapped in the hospital for a few hours.
Joyful reunion with dear Daddy who we really missed!
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Camping Weekend
This past weekend we camped at Hawn State Park, about an hour south of St. Louis.
Setting up the kids beds. I'm always touched by how important it is for little ones to know exactly where they will lie down their heads at night.
The Cade man enjoying some creek stomping, as we call it. It was a super hot weekend so we were thankful for the great stream that runs by the campground.
Maia and I enjoying the stream.
We found a few little sandy areas along the sides of the stream and built some castles.
Getting ready for our little hike.
Maia helping out with the dishes.
Playing UNO outdoors is way more fun than playing inside.
Our campsite.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Maia's First Softball Game
Maia was a bit nervous before her debut on the softball field for her first game. One of those, "my tummy hurts. . .I can play outside Mom, but I just can't go to that softball game because my tummy hurts" kind of mornings.
But once we got to the field and she received her uniform and donned the catcher's gear, most of the nervousness seemed to go away.
She played catcher for one inning and somewhere between first and second base for the second inning. . .just a two inning game.
And practiced her hand stands with her friends while awaiting her turn to bat.
All and all, a good first game where no one on either team was called out, everyone got to bat until they hit the ball and hand stands by the bench were allowed. . .just as it should be for 5 year olds playing softball!
And we can't forget about this little guy!