Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh the things older sisters do!

I had no part in this. . .I just went upstairs to check on the kids as they were playing in Maia's room and found Caden decked out in fairy wings and a tutu. . .and a big sister who was laughing hysterically. It cracks me up that Caden just went on playing with his trucks as if there was nothing unusual about this scene.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

So close and yet so far

So a couple weeks ago, we packed our bags and drove about 15 minutes to stay overnight at a hotel. Why? you ask. Well a few reasons. . .popcorn, pool, cereal with marshmallows in it and free breakfast and dinner. Plus the sheer thrill of just staying a night in a hotel without piles of laundry and dirty floors staring at you. We really did have a great time and it was just refreshing to spend time with our kids away from the endless tasks that are always competing with our kids for attention.


New Life

"New Life" was kind of the theme around our house this Easter. It was fun to look out the windows and see "new life" bursting forth in our yard and talk about how "new life" is represented in Easter decorations through eggs, and little bunnies and chicks. Maia seems to really be understanding the most important "New Life" that we celebrate at Easter and what a joy it is to watch her grow in understanding of Jesus rising from the grave and the great hope that gives us. We had fun celebrating too. . .we dyed eggs, although this did turn into a lesson about dissection and the parts of a hard boiled egg as well as making hard boiled egg soup, we had a couple egg hunts, one with our dear little neighbor Tula and we even got to hold our neighbors new little chicks. . .what a treat! Gran and Poppi joined us for Easter this year which was a lot of fun. . .thanks for hanging out with us guys!


Spring has sprung. . .

and we are loving it! We just can't get enough of the outdoors these days. The kids and I have been eating lunch outside more often than in and inside toys have been abandoned for shovels, buckets, bats, balls, and frisbees. I took a trip down memory lane as I taught Maia the art of making mud pies and she took great care in decorating each pie, or cookie as she called them, with grass and violets from the yard before they baked in the sun. We plan to start a vegetable garden this spring, so more to come on that later, but for now, I hope you enjoy a peek into our world these days!



My sister Lynn, brother-in-law Nate, and neice Abigail came for a visit in early March. The kids had a wonderful time together and yes, that is a picture of Caden and Abigail holding hands while sitting in their car seats. . .too sweet! Thanks for spending time with us guys!
