Thursday, April 23, 2009
Glorious Randomness
So today I had a surprisingly wonderful trip to the mall. Now I'm sure many of you are thinking I got some great deals on some cute new clothes or something like that, but I actually was just going to return a dress I had ordered to Eddie Bauer and then get some lunch with the kids at the Food Court to kill some time until taking both to the MD to get their ears checked for possible ear infections. (which by the way was negative for both of them) Then comes glorious random moment #1. . .I'm walking through the mall with the kids when an older man, walks by and says "You're a good mama." All I could do was mutter, "well, um, thank you." I'm not sure what he witnessed that prompted him to say this because I know for a fact that I was struggling to be patient with Maia's desire to stare at all the fountains from the second floor while reminding myself of the magical nature of fountains in the eyes of an almost 4 year old that can leave them entranced. But really I think the One who really knows our hearts knew that this mama (and yes, it is strange that this man called me Mama because Maia has been calling me Mama without fail for the past month or so) needed a little encouragement as I've been really lacking motivation in my mothering lately. Usually I have some plan for our day . . .you know, some fun activity or outing. . .but lately when Maia asks me at bedtime what we are doing tomorrow I've found myself saying "well Maia I really don't know" and when morning comes and the question arises again I have no better bearing on the day. So then it is off to the food court where dear little Caden breaks down the social barriers with custodian Vince. Caden just sat in the stroller and stared at Vince for the longest time with one of those open mouthed stares as Vince cleaned the nearby tables and floors that finally Vince stopped to acknowledge Caden and we ended up having a nice little conversation with custodian Vince. . .glorious random moment # 2. Then it is off to head back to the car and this time getting a close up look at those fountains along the way. I had recently emptied the change out of my wallet so we could have change for our yardsale so Maia resorted to just sitting on the ledge by the fountain and becoming entranced again by its magical nature when out of nowhere a business man walks up and hands Maia a penny to throw into the fountain while saying with a wide grin on his face "Make a wish!" Maia gives him a hearty "thank-you" and runs over to show me her new penny, throws it in, and if that wasn't enough the business man comes back and gives her more coins before hurrying off to whatever was next on his agenda. . .can we say glorious random moment #3! So as I was thinking over my day I realized that it truly was a gloriously random day that was worthy of a blog post.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Susan Boyle
If you have not yet watched Susan Boyle on Britain's got Talent, do yourself a favor and click on this link NOW.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 02, 2009
The End Of An Era
Well the Seilback home has seen the end of an era. . .Maia is DONE with her pacifier! As some of you know, we tried to break Maia of her pacifier in January 2008. We prepared her for this event, she threw it away in the trash and we were ready to endure a couple nights, 3 at most, of difficulty falling asleep. Well after 7 nights of VERY little sleep and things getting worse and not better, Matt headed out to Walgreens at 4am (after our second round that night of hours of crying and screaming) to get another pacifier and save us all from losing our minds. We then decided to not try to wean her again for a while, seeing that she would be adjusting to a new baby in the house in May. So once we got back from Christmas break this past January, I started to poke holes in the pacifier hoping it would lose its appeal. When that didn't seem to phase her, I began snipping away a portion of the rubber every couple weeks. She would be sad each time she noticed that some of her pacifier was gone but was convinced it was because of the "cooking" (sterilizing) I would give it every couple days. Well last week, she just up and decided she didn't want her pacifier anymore and that was that. I was convinced she would be taking the plastic hub to bed with her once all the rubber was gone, but thankfully she gave it up before then. Knowing what we do of our daughter now, I'm not surprised she reacted so dramatically and with such endurance and intensity to the removal of her pacifier last January. In the past year or so, we have learned that our daughter has come equipped with quite a strong will and if she has a strong idea about how something should be done, be prepared to do battle. Maia walked at 9 1/2 months, basically potty-trained herself in half a day and I can count the # of accidents she had on 1 hand. She is definatly a child who is a determined go-getter. While there are definite positives to a strong-willed personality, not many of them are evident at 3 years old when emotions are so immature. That has left us dealing for the past few months with some tough and ugly situations. By God's grace we are learning how to deal with these situations with love, wisdom, endurance and patience, but it has been a process. It leaves us praying outside Maia's door most every night, pleading that God will use this strong will, that he has soverignly given her, for His good purposes and that Satan, who is on the prowl for the hearts of our children, would not have victory over her. It leaves us pleading that God would give us endurance when we are tempted to give in after a 2 hour stand-off. . .praying that God will break her will in those situations and help her to desire obedience more than getting her way. It leaves us humbled before God, admitting that we are unable to parent our children without Him imparting to us the wisdom, strength and unconditional love needed to do this in a Christ-like manner. We love our dear little Maia so much, and would appreciate your prayers for her and us as we journey through these challenging days!
Well the Seilback home has seen the end of an era. . .Maia is DONE with her pacifier! As some of you know, we tried to break Maia of her pacifier in January 2008. We prepared her for this event, she threw it away in the trash and we were ready to endure a couple nights, 3 at most, of difficulty falling asleep. Well after 7 nights of VERY little sleep and things getting worse and not better, Matt headed out to Walgreens at 4am (after our second round that night of hours of crying and screaming) to get another pacifier and save us all from losing our minds. We then decided to not try to wean her again for a while, seeing that she would be adjusting to a new baby in the house in May. So once we got back from Christmas break this past January, I started to poke holes in the pacifier hoping it would lose its appeal. When that didn't seem to phase her, I began snipping away a portion of the rubber every couple weeks. She would be sad each time she noticed that some of her pacifier was gone but was convinced it was because of the "cooking" (sterilizing) I would give it every couple days. Well last week, she just up and decided she didn't want her pacifier anymore and that was that. I was convinced she would be taking the plastic hub to bed with her once all the rubber was gone, but thankfully she gave it up before then. Knowing what we do of our daughter now, I'm not surprised she reacted so dramatically and with such endurance and intensity to the removal of her pacifier last January. In the past year or so, we have learned that our daughter has come equipped with quite a strong will and if she has a strong idea about how something should be done, be prepared to do battle. Maia walked at 9 1/2 months, basically potty-trained herself in half a day and I can count the # of accidents she had on 1 hand. She is definatly a child who is a determined go-getter. While there are definite positives to a strong-willed personality, not many of them are evident at 3 years old when emotions are so immature. That has left us dealing for the past few months with some tough and ugly situations. By God's grace we are learning how to deal with these situations with love, wisdom, endurance and patience, but it has been a process. It leaves us praying outside Maia's door most every night, pleading that God will use this strong will, that he has soverignly given her, for His good purposes and that Satan, who is on the prowl for the hearts of our children, would not have victory over her. It leaves us pleading that God would give us endurance when we are tempted to give in after a 2 hour stand-off. . .praying that God will break her will in those situations and help her to desire obedience more than getting her way. It leaves us humbled before God, admitting that we are unable to parent our children without Him imparting to us the wisdom, strength and unconditional love needed to do this in a Christ-like manner. We love our dear little Maia so much, and would appreciate your prayers for her and us as we journey through these challenging days!
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