Saturday, May 24, 2008

More photos

First call to Maia about the new Baby

Daddy: “Maia, guess what? You have a new baby brother!”
Maia (excitedly): “YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!”
Daddy: “Do you wanna come see him?
Maia: “SUUUURREE! I’ll be right over!”

Friday, May 23, 2008

Caden Adam Seilback

He's here!!! 9lbs 9oz

Born, May 24, 1:36a (the time mark on my last post was rounded up a bit)

Caden--means friendship

Adam--first man (Matt's middle name and the first name of his great-grandfather)

9 cm

It's 1:30a now. About half an hour again Kelli was at 9 cm.

L&D Room #12

We made our way to St. John's in about 15 minutes. On empty. Daddy forgot to fill the gas tank in the van as he was encouraged to do yesterday. But we made it. It's 12:05a now and Kelli has an epidural stuck in her back. She had a good deal of pain from her contractions when we got here. When we first arrived she was around 3 cm dilated. One hour later she was at a 5. This could be a quick one. We'll keep you posted. Baby and Mommy are doing well right now.

Labor Pains

Kelli's been having labor pains for the past five hours or so. Looks like we may be heading in tonight instead of tomorrow. It's 9:30p on Fri. right now. I hope to keep you all posted as things progress...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Sometimes Jesus swoops down into the middle of my iTunes shuffle play in order to catch my attention. Today he said, "You need to listen to THIS."

(the link is to a prayer that comes from the same man who preached the sermon that popped up in my iTunes library)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

MBP screen issue getting more attention...


It seems that the screen issues on the MacBook Pro are starting to get noticed on some high profile tech sites. If you go to the link below, you will see a brief article on the issue:

The picture of the screen problem that you will find there is actually from my computer. They picked it up from a discussion forum I am part of. My name on that forum is docfilm.