Thursday, September 28, 2006
Maia’s saying a lot of new words now. Among them: “Yes”, a much clearer “Mommy” and “Daddy”, “Bible”, “bubbles”, “ball”, “baby”, “boo-boo” and “Isaiah” (“zay-a”) and “Alec” (the two little boys next door). She also knows how to “neigh” and “roar” (like a bear). Also new? Testing our wills. Maia is busier than ever and, with that busyness, there are too many things to touch, grab and climb on. So, as a part of her initiation into the rites of childhood, she has begun to push her limits. Sometimes she’ll look right at Mommy as she pounds on the sliding door. The one Mommy just told her not to pound on. But at other times she’ll look right at Kelli, listening, while she explains to her why she just got a spanking. She’s learning… and, we pray, growing. As for Kelli and I, we’re learning more about the challenges, struggles and joys of parenting everyday. And we’re very thankful for the community of believers/parents that help us along the way.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
The whore sings a praise
Oh let the mountains shout and sing to our King!
Oh let the nations praise you, my God.
You triumph over your enemy, dressed in your garments of light
You free the captives, the sluggard, the drug-addict, the homeless.
You bring bread to the alcoholic and water to the bulimic.
You shed a tear for the cripple and you give him a place to rest.
Your mouth was filled with sand…for 40 days you ate nothing.
But, Oh!, you’ve broken the rock and you’ve poured out yourself!
So you’ve given out your roses, you’ve placed them one by one.
You’ve placed them in the hand of the whore, the pimp and the murderer.
You’ve placed a song on my lips and given me praise!
You’ve turned the hateful into life and given a name to the forgotten.
So sing your praises you widower, sing praises to God, you lost child!
His kingdom has come! His mercy makes the dark places bright!
The unwanted sings a praise and walks in open places.
The destitute finds pleasure in the cool gold beneath his feet.
Oh let the rivers shout to you, oh mighty King!
Oh let the people be glad, for you have redeemed them.
Oh let the nations praise you, my God.
You triumph over your enemy, dressed in your garments of light
You free the captives, the sluggard, the drug-addict, the homeless.
You bring bread to the alcoholic and water to the bulimic.
You shed a tear for the cripple and you give him a place to rest.
Your mouth was filled with sand…for 40 days you ate nothing.
But, Oh!, you’ve broken the rock and you’ve poured out yourself!
So you’ve given out your roses, you’ve placed them one by one.
You’ve placed them in the hand of the whore, the pimp and the murderer.
You’ve placed a song on my lips and given me praise!
You’ve turned the hateful into life and given a name to the forgotten.
So sing your praises you widower, sing praises to God, you lost child!
His kingdom has come! His mercy makes the dark places bright!
The unwanted sings a praise and walks in open places.
The destitute finds pleasure in the cool gold beneath his feet.
Oh let the rivers shout to you, oh mighty King!
Oh let the people be glad, for you have redeemed them.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Breath in me, oh breathe of God.
Still my heart and, rending it, renew.
Peace to your own and for your good will…
Your saints are befuddled; are on the edge of death.
All reason is lost and hearts fall sick.
Wandering beneath, and floating adrift…
Awaken the sleepy head; awaken us to morn.
The songs we sing are dusted, broken and hollow.
Oh king, come fight, destroy the vestiges of sorrow!
Circle me ‘round and teach me the meaning of good.
Come, find me in newness and hold me up steadfast,
All is lost if not renewed; all is not you if not you.
Still my heart and, rending it, renew.
Peace to your own and for your good will…
Your saints are befuddled; are on the edge of death.
All reason is lost and hearts fall sick.
Wandering beneath, and floating adrift…
Awaken the sleepy head; awaken us to morn.
The songs we sing are dusted, broken and hollow.
Oh king, come fight, destroy the vestiges of sorrow!
Circle me ‘round and teach me the meaning of good.
Come, find me in newness and hold me up steadfast,
All is lost if not renewed; all is not you if not you.
Friday, September 01, 2006
summer days, dirty diapers, laughing memories

It’s been a quick and busy summer and our little Maia has grown a great deal. She is playing in more and more developed and “sophisticated” ways. Throughout the summer, as she would do different new things, I would jot a note down of what she was doing in hopes of composing some new blogs. Well, that list got pretty long. So I’m going to do something I don’t normally like to do. I’m simply going to share a large grouping of things with you about the what Maia has started doing. I’d love to string them together in a poetic, winsome and creative manner, but time simply doesn’t permit.
Before you do check out the “list” below, I did want to share a couple of other things with you. Maia was baptized at our church last week. It was a great service. My parents, Kelli’s mom and Kelli’s sister and her husband (Lynn and Nate, Maia’s godparents) were able to come out here for the service. Maia fussed for a good portion of the time she was upfront. She stopped fussing, however, when our Pastor walked her down the aisle, inviting the congregation to support us in raising her and when Pastor Andrew did the actual baptism. That part caught her completely off guard. The most dynamic part of the service, however, was the thunder. Just one clap. The lightening struck right before I handed Maia over to Andrew to be baptized. Very strange.
One of Maia’s baptism gifts was “The Big Picture Story Bible” by David Helm. I cannot recommend it enough to those of you who have children. It’s a great children’s bible. I just spent 10 minutes leafing through it to examine its contents. It is thoroughly biblical, well illustrated and redemptive at the core. The ending words/pictures on Revelation brought tears to my eyes. It even ends with “Amen. Come Lord Jesus!” If you have children or are looking for a good gift for a child you know, go get it. It may be a bit pricey, but it’s worth it. I’ve never seen a better children’s bible.
Make sure to check out the 150+ pics on the photo part of the site. When you enter onto the main page, you’ll see a bunch of new pictures and a listing of pages 2-4 in the upper right hand corner. You’ll find pictures of our parents’ visit, our visit to the butterfly house, Maia’s baptism, our trip to OBX and many others.
With that said and without any further adieu, here’s what Maia’s been up to this summer:
Climbing on everything. Kitchen chairs, coffee tables, bikes, ladders, slides…
Running around with different boxes and blankets on her head, laughing when she runs into things.
Grabbing mommy and daddy’s hands to either guide us somewhere herself or to follow us somewhere
Laughing and giggling
Learning, more and more, to say “Please” (“peas”), “Thank you” (“dank do”), “Yes” (“yesch”) and “momy/daddy”
Pointing at EVERYTHING, saying, “this?”
Looking, with great delight, at the planes in the sky as they take off/land at Lambert International
Running, running, running everywhere
Goes to her room if her diaper is dirty and mommy or daddy says, "Maia, do we need to change your hiney?" Alternatively, she’ll try to look into her diaper when asked the same question. One day Kelli walked into Maia room to get her out of her crib only to find her de-diapered, holding the diaper in hand…
Laughing and giggling
Bends down to kiss her parents, cats, dogs and other kids (she’ll gently nudge her forehead against the appropriate object to give a “kiss”)
On command, points at head, hands, feet, belly, ears, nose and, yes, her “hiney”
Will give you “five” whey you ask her for it
Gives good hugs
Laughing and giggling
Holds our hands to pray
Loves to dance to her kids’ songs music
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