She fumbles with her little toy barn, banging together the small colored shapes, the impression of farm animals on the front of each. Blue triangle cow, green circle sheep, yellow pig star. She seems to know, with a faint understanding, that they somehow fit into the similarly shaped holes on the building’s façade. Then, exhausted from all the hard work, she grabs her water, grasping the cup with both her hands, and guzzles long and deep. When she no longer feels parched, she pulls the drink away quickly, nearly throwing it down to the ground and slamming it in front of her at the same time. But then she simply lets it slide out of her hands absentmindedly. While this is taking place, she gasps a sigh of relief, and catches her breath… “ahhhh….”. Then it’s back to work at the farm.
I think I’ll go get a drink myself…